As notified to ITC students, graduates and tech partners, due to the changes in the hi-tech market and the ongoing Iron Swords War, unfortunately all ITC activity and programs have been discontinued until further notice. We kindly recommend interested candidates to look into alternative hi-tech training programs and wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

Our Tech Partners

Hire our graduates and play an integral role in our success by taking an active part in our programs.


Our programs are built in partnership with
leading companies in various domains.

As a Tech Partner you’ll be able to:

Ensure the skills taught meet your specific requirements for new employees.

See the students “in action” and evaluate their potential to match your teams.

Have a unique opportunity to scout for the next best talent and expose the new generation to your company, technologies and team.

Through this hands-on experience, participants arrive better prepared when they land the job in your company.


“We've had the privilege to work with 5 ITC students. They have tremendously helped us in several domains. I have worked with many programs in the past and I can greatly advocate for the high level of proficiency and proactive mindset with which the students are coming. This totally sets ITC program apart!”

Ohad Biron

CEO & Co-founder at Bagel

“Hosting the ITC students proved to be mutually beneficial. They got a chance to experience a fast phase start up onboarding and to tackled real challenges, while we, as a team, learned from their ambition and motivation, enhancing our onboarding skills for future engagements.”

Tal Mickel

Director of Data at Tailor Brands

“The collaboration with ITC proved to be a Win-Win match over and over! The High-quality graduates took part in cutting-edge and sensitive projects and were as committed as the internal project team. We already hired 2 people and I'm sure that we gonna hire some more in the future.”

Dor Amit

Co-founder & CTO at 10root Cyber Security

“ITC makes the maximum effort to match the students to our company. Cooperation and working together is a special and excellent experience! Most of the students who come to us stay for further employment in the company, willing to invests all their energy to succeed.”

Yonit Raider

HR Manager at YuviTal

“ITC and I go way back. I've hosted data science students for 5 years now. It's a Win-Win scenario; students get real experience and we get to test projects without using extra resources. With students bringing the right tools and knowledge and picking the right project, we get great deliveries.”

Maor Nativ

Director of Data at Tipalti

“Our partnership with ITC was a truly wonderful experience. It was filled with professionalism and swiftness, making the whole process pleasant. The students seamlessly integrated with our team and added significant value while expanding their own knowledge. We're excited about the prospect of working together again in the future.”

Roni Rokach

HR Director at Tailor Brands

How to become our partner?

Conduct lectures and

Host company projects
and tours

Participate in events
and hackathons

Recrute/hire our

Interested in collaborating with ITC?

Fill in your details bellow and we'll get back to you!

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